by Alan Chan Design Company

Interior design
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For the first time, a French cosmetic brand taps into rich authentic Chinese tea heritage. The Cha Ling flagship store in Taikoo Hui, Shanghai captures the perfect balance between French craftsmanship and Chinese art de vivre.

Reflecting tea around nature, fluidity, texture, serenity, earth and life appreciation, one wall shows beautiful silhouette of Yunnan mountains set in stone; across it a metal display unit inspired by Chinese brick architecture.  With breakthroughs from conventional product display, the contour-shaped tables resemble Yunnan Pu’er tea fields and act as 5-star service zone dividers.

The customized wall-display units tell the brand story with calligraphy ink landscape photographs; whereas the brand elements are etched on the modular cubes in beautiful water droplet shapes at the forefront.

The LED display provides a holistic experience through harmonious Chinese sceneries, complementing the spa room adorned with landscape paintings – where customers enjoy facial treatments inspired by Chinese beauty philosophy.

  • Client LVMH
  • Category Interior design/
  • Industry Retail/Luxury Brand/